Monday, January 2, 2012

One Size Fits All

I often wonder who came up with the concept one "one size fits all".   Honestly, not even "one size fits most" is a good idea.  Although I can't afford a tailor to make my clothes I do try to work with what there is and come as close to finding things that appear to be made just for me.  

Sometimes when we I'm feeling a bit down (and/or bloated) I'll look for comfortable clothes.  Comfortable, unfortunately, rarely looks good.  I'm a firm believer that there is something for everyone and for every body type and shape.  But there really isn't anything that works for all (or even most) bodies.  Take the time to try things on.  Look in the mirror.  It should accentuate the good.  We all have it and should take the time to get familiar with what works.  

By no means do I get it right all the time.  And sometimes I have my phases when I rarely get it right.  But the minute I put something on that is flattering I can feel and see the difference.  I walk a little taller, my head tilts a bit higher.  And it feels so good.

We are all perfect just the way we are.  I know I need to exercise some more to make myself feel better but honestly no one else can wear "me" the way that I can.  That goes for each of us.  

Let's make this new year about feeling good about who we are, embracing ourselves.  And I will work on making myself the best possible "me".  And stay away from "one size fits all"!

Lots of good health, peace, love and beautiful fashions in 2012!

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