These pictures are of the Whitney that I will remember. A healthy, beautiful, talented artist who performed some of the most beautiful songs that will live on forever.
The Greatest Love of All (with lyrics) "No matter what they take from me they can't take away my dignity" "Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all" However, it really isn't that easy to achieve.
My post on Facebook reads: RIP Whitney Houston. Such a sad story.
It's sad because it didn't have to end this way. Half of her life should not have been so ugly.
I believe that we all have demons inside. Most of us are strong enough to ignore them and go on to live loving, productive lives. I also believe that we need to be careful who we surround ourselves with because they can either help us to be stronger or tempt us. Ultimately we are responsible for our choices. But it's easier to choose good when you are surrounded by good then if you surround yourself with crap.
It amazes me (and scares the hell out of me) how we see this time and time again. People who are sitting on top of the world, who succumb to substance abuse, who's lives have ended tragically much sooner than they should have. And it continues to happen. You would think that all these lives should have served as examples. And yet there are more than a few playing Russian roulette on a regular basis.
Whitney Houston had an incredible voice, it was magical. She seemed to have everything most of us will only get to dream of. However, there were demons that she was not able to overcome. Demons who she allowed to take over. What should have been a fairy tale childhood for her daughter appears to have been the biggest nightmare imaginable. Brought up in turmoil surrounded by drugs and people with very little self-respect. God bless Bobbi Kristina. May she find the strength to be more. To become a happy, healthy, loving woman. May her mother's death not be in vain.
But this does not only happen to those who are sitting on top of the world with the wealth and power to support such lifestyles. Every day there are so many good, loving families who are losing loved one as well. Anyone who has a daughter, a nephew, sisters, any loved ones should be very afraid. Respect and love yourself. Show your loved ones that you love them and respect them. Every single day. And don't be blinded. It has to be extremely hard to face the fact that a loved one needs help but it can't be ignored. If you need help seek it immediately.
May your lives and those of your loved ones be healthy and free of any abuse. Peace.